Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Who Do You Think You Are: Molly Ringwold

Sunday evening was the fourth episode of this round of Who Do You Think You Are. This was a particularly interesting one in that there were no famous ancestors found and no relationship to royalty. This was the story of Molly Ringwold's Swedish ancestors. 

I am not going to give you all the details but I am going to say that this is the story of the American Dream where poor immigrants left behind the poverty of their homeland and found a way to build a good life for themselves and their families in America. It made Molly very sad and very proud of where she came from. 

If you haven't been watching this year's shows, you should be. So far they have been particularly interesting and it is much more obvious that they are getting expert help to find the information that they do. While most of us won't get the experts, we do have access to the same information that they do. 

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